Karmer kring blå

'Karmer kring blå' is a performance by choreographer Örjan Andersson and composer Hans Appelqvist inspired by folk dance and folk music, filtered through their personal artistry. On stage are the dancers Andreas Berchtold, Linda Reinered, Magnus Samuelsson, Anton Schneider and Torill Steinjord as well as the national musicians Ellinor Fritz (violin) and Pers Nils Johansson (clarinet). With warm humor and razor-sharp seriousness, the unique dancers and musicians from Sweden, Norway and Denmark take movement and music in this closely intertwined, embracing dance work. 'Karmer kring blå' premiered at Dalateatern in 2013 and was created in co-production with and on the initiative of the project RESiDANS, a three-year dance project and a collaboration between Dalarna County Council, Musik Gävleborg and Musik i Uppland where folk dance and folk music meet choreographers from the contemporary dance world. The performance has been shown on tour in Dalarna, Gävleborg and Uppsala counties as well as in Linköping and Falkenberg.

Hans Appelqvist
Andreas Berchtold, Linda Reinered, Magnus Samuelsson, Anton Schneider, Torill Steinjord
Ellinor Fritz, Pers Nils Johansson
Lighting and set design
Costume design
Nina Sandström
Mats Bäcker
RESiDANS/ANDERSSON DANCE, Made possible with support by The Swedish Arts Council, the City of Stockholm and the Arts Grants Committee


Mini documentary


Tickets will soon be available